Friday, January 14, 2022

Poured In Love

Poured In Love In A Scared-As-Hell Moment

Anna Allison-Burgess

January 14, 2022

July 5, 2021, will never be a memory. That day is as real today - six months later - as it was then. What began as a few hours of relaxing and enjoying the beach, soon became one of those large, life-altering events. 

I walked slowly into the ocean to feel the coolness and relaxing surge of the waist-high waves. When I was comfortable with where I was, I turned to face the shore and allow my body to relax and flow with the waves; just as I had done many times in my sixty-six years 

The next few minutes felt like hours. The mighty power of the ocean had been assigned to me -  a rip current consumed me with heaviness of resignnent. My efforts of escaping were in vain.

What was only a brief period of time, was an eternity. I gave up. There was nothing more for me - my fear changed to peace; then to a thankfulness that makes me weep big, blurry tears of happy. I was recued. Saved by a young man who was at the right place and right time to assist the Almighty with the saving of my life. 

Givng up is not in my suitcase. Never had been - until that moment in time. Life as it was - was no longer. What is the right word, or words, to describe that 'giving in' moment of drowning? The only words that seem to fit are 'scared-as-hell love'. Simple. Love poured from the unknown that was somehow known. What I felt, heard and experienced in that enlightening moment of surrender belong to me. 

I believe in many things; and I have been given many gifts. Being poured with 'love' in a 'scared-as-hell' moment was an exceptional gift. I get to breathe another moment, love my family a little longer, kiss the faces of my precious grands, dance in the rain if I choose, and on and on and on. I have been allowed to spend another few moments in this place and time. 

I have been poured with great love, and I plan to stay 'scared-as-hell' - that will work for me. I breathe. I believe. I know. Today is enough. 

Wednesday, February 27, 2019


I have been meaning to get back to this blog.
Today was a perfect day to do so . . . 

There he was . . . A post on FACEBOOK 

Justin Nokes 

I’m positive this young man is a MARIGOLD.
My rememberings of Justin (as he completed his college degree):
. . . Dynamic Personality
. . . Passionate 
 . . . Devoted

Justin was a “connector” - I’m sure he still is.
Teachers know what that means.

Lifter of Spirits

So happy our paths crossed in this life.

Congrats, Justin - I’m so proud of you.
Always, Mrs. Burgess

Sunday, October 11, 2015


The "Marigold" Day

On Tuesday, October 6, 2015, ten students 
(the last day of class /students beginning Residency - Student Teaching), gave me a most precious gift.
The gift?
A four-page article.
Notes from each student written 
on the back of the article. 
The article was placed on top of a beautiful box.  
That's another story.  
I'm sticking with the 'marigold' story!

We were enjoying our last class meeting and I didn't 
read it immediately (even though I felt that I should). 
 I waited until that evening. Looking at the cover one of the students designed, I suspected that being a 'marigold' might be a good thing.  At least I was hoping!



The article was written by Jennifer Gonzalez in 2013. 
I refuse to even try to summarize it.  
Read it.  Everyone should read it.

My students called me their 'Marigold'

My life as an educator has been an amazing journey.  
A Teacher. Probably a bit too 'teacher-y' at times ...
(that may not be a word - but I'm old so I can get by with it)!

As I sit here on a beautiful, peaceful Sunday evening beginning this blog ... I am crying.  Again.

These are the notes written on the back of the article.
If you think I'm bragging  - I don't care.
I'm a Marigold. 

I truly believe that this group of young women 
(students - now friends forever), came into my life 
at just the right time - for all the right reasons.
All are blessings. 

"If you plant a marigold beside most any garden vegetable, that vegetable will grow big and strong and healthy, protected and encouraged by its marigold."

"Marigolds exist in our schools as well - encouraging, supporting and nurturing growing teachers on their way to maturity.  If you find at least one marigold in your school and stay close to them, you will grow.  Find more than one and you will positively thrive."

Might there be a million people who disagree?
Maybe, but I could care less.   
I'm a 'Marigold' to these ten young women - and I
refuse to be a 'toxic' walnut tree.

 I pray you, too, are someone's marigold. 

Every child deserves a 'marigold teacher' -

Future Marigolds ...
Baylee, Brandi, Dreama, Haylea, Jessica,
Kassy, Lateisha, Laura, Morgan, Tammy

As always with love ...
October 11, 2015

Poured In Love

Poured In Love In A Scared-As-Hell Moment Anna Allison-Burgess January 14, 2022 July 5, 2021, will never be a memory. That day is as rea...